Open Software Department W3C (html5, bootstrap)

First Hackathon, organized by the open software department at the UGR, helping with HTML open projects.

InWatch international app programming (android)

Programming in android contest for health. Our group developed an app for heart rating measuring using the webcam. We won 4th place.

Open Software Department projects development (c++)

I participated in a game development.

GameJam - The last caturai (python)

Game contest.

Telefonica I+D National (IoT, javascript, JSON)

40 of us from 700 were selected after an exam. IoT development.

Repairing Computers under Open Software department (shell, hardware)

For computer donating.

Miniblip Development (led matrix, BQ, C)

BQ company experimental board programming and development.

Bluemix IBM (cloud computing)

Learning Bluemix development at RITSI.

arduino and hardware BQ circolab

For creating an interactive wall.


Speeches under Interferencias

- The importance of digital privacy
- TAILS live operating system
- internet censorship regarding journalism and digital tools to fight against it

Speeches under Geek and Tech Girls (feminism + technology)

- Ada Lovelace legacy
- Female Keyboard Warriors (women in hacking)

Under Open Software Department

- scratch for school teachers
- bots for telegram (to master students, three editions by now)
- Arduino and Open Hardware
- Ruby programming basics
- What is "Interferencias"? The importance of privacy and digital rights activism


- The history of hacking + How to use Ettercap (organized by hack&beers)
- An human fucked up, again (social hacking)
- Ethical Hacking (Google Developers Group)
- Rubber Ducky, how to hack with it and its relation with big data (Data Beers)
- Internet Censorship and how to fight against it (Rooted Con)
- Digital rights and privacy for journalists (Digital Communication Congress)

Created by me